Follow the Insanity at: Class Notes: The Bag -Something big enough to carry everything you need -ALWAYS have it with you Screw Drivers -I prefer a set of screw drivers vs. a single driver with swappable heads -Quality matters USB Optical Drive -USB DVD/CD drive to reinstall operating systems and install old software Canned Air -Good for cleaning out heatsinks and fans Hard Drive Dock -Used to pull data off of hard drives Flash Drive -Used for Utilities and Updates Portable Hard Drive -Used to migrate data Label Maker -No one can read your handwriting! Laptop -Should have Wired NIC and Wireless for network testing -Buy something cheap and near disposable -For security DO NOT use your personal laptop for work SmartPhone -SmartPhone tethering is good incase internet does not work. -Unlimited Data -USB Wireless NIC for tethering for security Known Good Parts -Power Supply -Video Card -NIC -Wireless NIC Other Stuff -Wire Toner -Wire Tester -Punch Down Tool -Cable Crimper -Telephone Butt Set